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The SAFE+ Program

Call for help: (408) 793-SAFE (7233)

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The mission of the SAFE+ Program, operated by Santa Clara Valley Healthcare (SCVH), is to provide patient-centered care, empowering survivors of sexual assault, intimate partner violence (IPV), or gender-based violence to make informed choices that best suit their needs.

Take action

After an assault: What now?

If you or a loved one has experienced any
form of unwanted sexual contact.

Next steps

Resources for providers

If you are a healthcare provider who needs help for a patient.

Learn more

Free accessible care for survivors

The SAFE+ Program provides 24/7 access to resources, including sexual assault forensic exams (SAFE), commonly referred to as rape kits, at designated response locations throughout the region. Specially trained medical forensic healthcare professionals work with patient-survivors, 12 years or older, who have experienced various forms of sexual assault or violence:

  • Sexual assault
  • Rape
  • Domestic or intimate partner violence (DV/IPV)
  • Physical and mental abuse
  • Strangulation
  • Sexual coercion
  • Human trafficking

What is a SAFE Exam?

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