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Apply for MedAssist

Do you qualify?

Eligibility criteria:

  • Reside in Santa Clara County
  • Have a valid prescription for diabetes medication, asthma inhaler, or epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen)
  • Have out-of-pocket expenditure for the above prescriptions in the previous calendar year
  • Must not be enrolled in a federal or state health care program
  • Maximum annual gross household income cannot exceed the amount below:
Household Size*Maximum Annual Gross Household Income

*Number of people in your household including yourself, your spouse or domestic partner and dependent children under age twenty-one (21), whether living at home or not.

Beginning January 1, 2025, you will not qualify for the MedAssist program if you are enrolled in a federal health care program or a state health care program.[1] This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Medi-Cal (including Managed Care Medi-Cal, such as Santa Clara Family Health Plan and Blue Cross/Blue Sheild, as well as Medi-Cal Fee For Service)
  • MediCare (including Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans)
  • VA Health Administration 
  • Indian Health Service
  • Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

[1] A “Federal Health Care Program” is any plan or program that provides health benefits—whether directly, through insurance, or otherwise—which is funded , in whole or in part, by the United States Government (with the exception of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program).  A State health care program is (1) A State plan approved under Title XIX of the Act (Medicaid), (2) Any program receiving funds under Title V of the Act or from an allotment to a State under such title (Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant program), (3) Any program receiving funds under subtitle A of Title XX of the Act or from any allotment to a State under such subtitle (Block Grants to States for Social Services), or (4) A State child health plan approved under Title XXI (Children's Health Insurance Program)

How do I get started?

  • A valid email address
  • Prescription information
    • Medication name
    • Copy of prescription OR pharmacy information
  • Financial information
    • Estimate of annual gross household income
    • Estimate of individual out-of-pocket expenditure for qualified prescriptions in the previous calendar year. 
  • Health Insurance Information

What documents do I need?

You will be able to use a number of different documents to complete the MedAssist application process. Please review the following list of documents:

Proof of residence in Santa Clara County - provide just one of the following:

  • Current Rental Contract/Lease
  • Current Mortgage Statement
  •  Current Utility Bill (Water, Electric, Gas, Garbage)
  • Homeless (Completion of patient statement form)
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Valid Driver’s license
  • Letter of support from person with whom applicant is living and proof of residency for that person

Proof of identity (photo id required) - provide just one of the following:

  • Valid Driver’s license
  • Valid Passport
  • Valid Government Issued ID
  • Valid Work of School ID Card
  • Birth Certificate along with valid photo ID

Proof of valid prescription - provide one of the following for each qualifying prescription:

  • Copy of Hardcopy Prescription
  • Pharmacy Contact Information

Proof of Health Insurance

  • Health Insurance Card

What to expect next

  • Upon receipt of your complete application, MedAssist will determine if you are eligible for a grant based on our program guidelines and subject to available funding. Please understand that all approvals are based on available funding and are on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • You can check the status of your application by logging into the portal here or by contacting the MedAssist office
A mother and her child smiling and rubbing noses


Got questions about MedAssist?
Check out our FAQs for answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.

A pharmacist in a pharmacy wearing glasses and a white coat

Approval process

Curious about how the approval process works for MedAssist? Read on for more information about what to expect.

Smiling woman in a meeting with another person


We have all the necessary forms ready for you to print. Visit our forms page for everything you need.

A smiling male pharmacist on the phone helping a patient

Contact us

Don't hesitate to visit our contact us page and reach out to our team for assistance.